Thursday, June 26, 2014

To New York and Back Again

So I normally don't full on give away the next entry, but I'm going to. Next post is a bit like my goodbye to New York. Or at least my coming to terms with leaving. I've had a lot of awesome memories made with amazing people. I selected songs for this minimix that represent, to a degree, the arc of my relationship with the city. From coming free full of hope and hungry from freedom to a more mature outlook to a bit of disillusionment and questioning and then the beginning of a new realization of what home means. 

I hope you enjoy it.

And this is a bonus video. It's the version of "I Guess The Lord Must Be In New York City" that I wanted to include but couldn't find the full version on line. The monologue in the beginning captures the kind of magic I first felt when I moved here.

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