Sunday, December 4, 2016

I made a mistake

So, it turns out that maybe I made a mistake. I shouldn't have quit writing this blog. It's been almost a year, and I have been feeling a hole in my life since my only outlet for writing was social media. Facebook as an outlet for creative impulses isn't very satisfying at all; it's just ephemeral snippets. It's like you're starving and all you eat is cotton candy. You get a taste of something sweet, but it dissolves in your mouth before you've even swallowed and you realize you're getting no nourishment at all. It's just empty calories. Creatively speaking.

This blog did so many things for me at once. Writing about what I think and what I observe in the world was a way to digest it and learn from it, to arrange the information and make sense from it. In this way, this blog was my alienist. I lied on a couch in a darkened room and let loose what was on my mind that week. I explained my problems, my joys, my frustrations, then I added some gifs and posted it in the faux-anonymity of the Internet. Emphasis on the faux because, as it turned out, people were listening, which made it a way to let you into my life and to continue to share moments with people who were important to me. A good deal of the people who read my blog were friends who I now live far away from because–spoiler alert–I'm still in France, and writing a weekly post was a way to bring you all along with me, which I wish I could do. I miss you all.

So, that being said, I'm bringing it back: Season Three, An Expatriate Without A Country (a bit in homage to the brilliant and unforgettable Kurt Vonnegut Jr.), the long-term season. I hope you all join me.


  1. Living the dream! Don't be surprised if Mai Tai gets a surprise house guest in the future...

    xo- neill


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