Wednesday, January 13, 2016

And like that, it's gone.

Well, that's all folks.

Yes, just like that. I realized that I need to start putting more energy into some other projects, and I decided to let this one go. I'm a bit sad since I know I had some people who read regularly and I've been told by different people, from friends to acquaintances to strangers, that they enjoyed what I had to say. Thank you, all. Maybe it'll be back one day. Who knows. No promises. Maybe I'll post a random thing or two here as time goes on. But the blog as a weekly thing I do is over. I felt the quality starting to take a drop, and my enjoyment was too. It kept getting put on the back burner until I was barely posting. My desire to make good art, good writing is starting to take over with the change of the year, and while I never thought anything I posted was horrible, the pressure to have something every week sometimes forced me to put up things I didn't love.

But I have a bit of a parting gift for you. A playlist I put together. I decided to center it around the theme that this blog stood on: the wonder of travel and exploration, whether that be another part of the world or your own. I hope you'll listen to it to help say good-bye to the blog, and maybe help my candle light the candle of wanderlust in you.

See you around, folks.


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